Store Mission

Welcome to the VocaTales Store! Each item features VocaTales original artwork and is manufactured locally, wherever you are. And every purchase you make directly supports VocaTales’ vision of making creativity the fabric of social connection. More specifically, store purchases will help us invest in global artists and amplify the reach of our creative network.

We know it’s expensive. But as we get up and running, that’s just the reality of what it takes to make a commitment to sustainable commerce and ensure that our products are high quality, manufactured locally, and beneficial to the process of establishing robust resources for our creators. As we optimize our supply chain, we look forward to managing our costs more effectively to make these products more affordable for all VocaTalers. For any questions, feel free to contact us at

A Big Thanks To Our Early Supporters

As an early supporter you’re a crucial part of helping VocaTales become the ideal platform for social creativity, and we can’t thank you enough. Everyone who makes a purchase from our first run of products will receive special discount codes and additional benefits as we grow our network. Thank you for investing in creativity!

Refund Policy

Because of the early constraints of our supply chain, we are unable to offer refunds or returns at this time. We appreciate your understanding.